Why is it Important to Study the Gospels Continually?

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I don't remember the first time I encountered the Gospel. As someone who was raised in the church, and with two parents who had met at Bible College, the Gospel was present as absolute truth in my life, for as long as I can remember. This foundation paved the way for a desire to know Him more. While transitioning into my teenage years wasn't easy, I found myself coming back, again and again, to look for the God who cared for me so much that His will was for His own Son to give up His life for me. The truth of the gospel was an anchor for me throughout the physical, familial, and relational transition. However, it wasn't until college that I was pushed into a new understanding of the overpowering, all-encompassing truth of the Gospels.  - Alexis

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When I moved to Washington, DC and started college at American University as a freshman, I started in a Bible Study, or Life Group, that studied women in the Bible – the first time I had ever seen women in a Biblical context given any attention. Learning about many different women's roles in the genealogy, life, and ministry of Jesus, shown within the Gospels, transformed my understanding of the character and work of Jesus. During my sophomore year, I stepped into co-leadership in my own Life Group, and for the first time in my life, leaned into a consistent set-aside time of reading the Bible daily. I remember the first time I read all of the Gospels through their entirety – the dedication and perfection of love in Jesus' time on Earth prompted in me a desire to dig deeper into stories that I thought I knew by heart.

Now, years later, I am taken back to the accessible, foundational, transformative power of the Gospel books through a conversation that I had recently with one of our Student Leaders at Georgetown University. I was talking to her about the importance of inviting those who don't share our faith into our Life Groups, along with those of us who had known Christ for years before college. In thinking about how to reach those who believe and those who have yet to, we talked about the reason why staff encourages Student Leaders to start the year off with a study of one of the Gospels. The Gospels offer insight into who Jesus is, for those who may have just heard about Him, or those who have known Him for years. There is power in studying the character of God and the Earth-shaking story of Christ's life, death, and resurrection with a bunch of students. It was a sweet reminder that a study into the foundation of our faith will bring depth when those, who believe in Jesus, or not, wrestle with and push deeply into the text. It is then when God seems to show up bigger and more splendidly than before.

After spending the past couple of months learning and studying the Synoptic Gospels, through the courses that Chi Alpha provides for staff members, I have come to understand the importance of studying the Gospels over and over and over again. As someone who had grown up in the church, the Gospel provided an absolute truth that I followed up until college, and it was there that I realized I wanted to choose to dedicate the rest of my life to Christ. The Gospel has been a compass, lifesaver, and a love a story greater than any that I could be apart of for most of the entirety of my life. However, it is now that I am seeing the truth in the need for Christ-followers to maintain a certain level of "Holy Dissatisfaction" that prompts a revisiting and reminding of what the Gospel means for our lives today. 


So, why is it important that we study the Gospels continually?

Because We Change. 

God stays the same, but as we learn and grow our understanding of His steadfastness grows deeper the longer we walk with Him

Because It is Constant.

We study to see how the Gospel's good news triumphs over anything else we may encounter, whether good or bad, in every stage of life. 

To Remember.

The Gospel reminds us that His love is real and true and good, even when we don't feel it. 

For Identity. 

As we get to know God through the Gospel, we can then learn about who we are as His children. It allows us to counter lies from the enemy.

To Internalize Truth.

So that we may rest in it, and then share it with others.

For Transformation.

To let the beauty of the greatest love story that there will ever be, take root and transform our lives again and again.

For Relationship With Him.

To let Him remind us of how much He loves us.

Because there is ALWAYS more to Him.

He is not finite, which means there is more goodness and love and depth than we can imagine, and He wants to share it with us. All we have to do is accept it.

Why We Gather Together

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I’ve realized in the past few weeks, that there are things I believe and hold dearly to (convictions and values) that I need to keep in front of me and also, in front of our community. In other words, values that aren’t articulated, aren’t cultivated. I was reminded that even though I have been here 8+ years, for some, it’s their first year or two in Chi Alpha so things that I feel I’ve communicated a ton might actually be things I haven’t said recently. So every now and then, I’ll be sharing some thoughts and tidbits as I process where we are and where we’re going. SDG! — Blane

Every year, around this time, I remind myself (and our students!) about Hebrews 10:25 (NIRV) which says:

And let us not give up meeting together. Some are in the habit of doing this. Instead, let us encourage one another with words of hope. Let us do this even more as you see Christ’s return approaching.

Even in the early church, the first years of Christian community, there was a tendency to drift or to lose passion. Distractions aren’t a modern invention but instead, humans are always prone to wander. I know that I am, whether it’s because I’n discouraged or because I am distracted by things that are both new and novel. I can easily lose focus, even of the essential things. And I’d bet that you might be the same way.

This (academic) year has brought us lots of transitions, changes outside of our control and changes that we’ve made as a Staff Team that we believe to be best for our community / communities long-term. That’s hard. In fact, it’s hard on me and in some ways, I seem to have the most ‘control’ or decision-making capability. But I understand that it’s hard for students, in similar and dissimilar ways. I don’t think I can make things ‘less hard’ (although I wish I could!) but I think I can grow in communicating the ‘why’ and not just the ‘how’.


5 Reasons We Gather Together

I am sure there are more than five reasons, but these are the ones that first popped into my head. Blame the Starbucks blonde roast pour-over!

1. We are better together. I need you, and you need me (like the Barney song, but not). The concept of ‘Jesus and Me’ is a non-biblical invention of an individualized society. Instead, the story of God throughout Scripture is the story of Him and His People (a plural, group).

2. Specifically, we are gathered together (as Chi Alpha students from American University and Georgetown University) for WEEKLY WORSHIP because, in part, we don’t have the staff capacity to pull off campus-specific services with health. Most campus ministries in the city (including ours) has wonderful staff members come and go (way more than we’d want!). And I’ve decided that I want to do all I can in my role, to make sure I utilize staff instead of using (or abusing) staff. I don’t know if we (as DC Chi Alpha) have always done this well. So then, the question is no longer ‘Could we pull this off?’ but instead, ‘Should we do this?’ or ‘Would this be wise?’

3. We are gathered for those that aren’t here yet. It was once said that Christian community is the only ‘organization’ that gathers for the sake of its non-members. And I hope that’s true of us. With that in mind, we have a heart to reach college students in the city. In fact, we have a scary-big vision for the next ten years (and beyond!) that involves more staff, more Life Groups, more Life Group Leaders, more campuses and more environments where we can have Gospel-conversations and moments of Jesus-community. This year (and for however long we continue with WEEKLY WORSHIP) we are building a foundation. We are setting and resetting culture. I’ve been pretty open that there are things that are strengths of GUXA that I want AUXA to learn from (and vice-versa). And we know that Galatians 6:9 says that in due time or in the right time, we will see the benefits or the outcome from our investment. I hope you and I get to see it, but Hebrews 10-13 tells us that even if we don’t, it’s worth it. Why? To be faithful to God and make it better for the next generation of students and staff.

4. We are becoming a blended family. It’s messy and fun and weird and strange and most of our preferences are out the window. But that’s the picture I get when I read about the community in the book of Acts. We are still learning about each other (one campus to another, one generation to another) but the more we know, the more we can truly love + serve.

5. It’s the direction we sense is from God that aligns with the dreams He’s given us. In some ways, this can feel like an awkward God-card to pull. But I don’t mean it that way. I mean that we have prayed and discussed and sought after the ways in which we can best reach students and this is where we sense the Lord is leading us.

It might not make sense at first, but we aren’t just concerned for students that are currently enrolled but for the junior in high school that’s attending GU in a few years or the senior that just toured AU and starts next August. Or even the student deciding between GW and Howard, and will be in the graduating class of 2024. We are learning that it’s easy to be loud or make a splash for Jesus, and much more difficult (yet more missional!) to be consistent for years, faithful in the long-haul.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Here’s a GIF as a reward.


What Chi Alpha (XA) Means to Me

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Author info:  Zach is a senior at American University and enrolled in the PPL Program. He’s from New York (not NYC, mind you!), enjoys playing Unstable Unicorns and works part time at the Kay Spiritual Life Center on campus. Connect with him on Twitter or IG.

For many recent high school graduates, the month of August is filled with big transitions and conflicting emotions. It marks the final countdown to the much-anticipated college “move-in day.” The coming weeks are a whirlwind of final goodbyes with lifelong friends and last-minute trips to Target. In a short amount of time life seems to turn on its head. 

For many soon to be freshman, this experience can grow a pit of uncertainty in their stomachs. At night, as they contemplate their new beginnings, students are bombarded with internal questions such as “Will I make any friends,” “Am I going to fit in,” and “Are my classes going to be difficult?” 

I know these same questions plagued my mind the in weeks before I came to American University. Transitioning from rural Upstate New York, I was terrified that I wouldn’t fit in or find community here in the “big city.” The only place I knew to look was in a campus ministry. 

After a quick Google search, I found an event and decided to step outside of my comfort zone. Going to ‘Cones and Chi Alpha’ during my first week of college was the best decision I’ve ever made! My very first conversation was with a guy whom I now consider one of my closest friends and could not imagine life without. 

Not only did Chi Alpha give me a community where I could fit in, I had found my home away from home! 

What does Chi Alpha mean to me? Well, it means everything! This community has encouraged me in seasons of joy, comforted me in sorrow, and stood by me in trial. The Lord has used each and every person involved to radically change the trajectory of my life. I went from a guy on the edges of my walk with Jesus, desperately clinging to whatever faith I had remaining from my parents, to a man who craves a deep and personal connection with my Lord and Savior. 

I now serve on the XA leadership team as one of the guys' life group leaders. This has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It has allowed me to put my faith into practice and to develop relationships with people that I know will last a lifetime. If I have learned anything from leading it’s that God is ALWAYS in control, and that is a GOOD thing! It was only through His love, patience, and guidance that I am where I am today. It is by his hand that I found my family here in Washington D.C. 

If you are a student at American University, new or old, and are searching for meaning, purpose, and community, Chi Alpha is standing here waiting to welcome you home!


Published on August 14, 2019 || Shareable Link: http://bit.ly/2N1K1la

Taking Time to Notice


It’s still shocking to me that it’s December, classes are done, finals are underway, and some of our students are already on their way back home for the winter break.  It feels like it was just Welcome Week, we blinked, and the semester was over. I’m still getting used to wearing gloves every day, let alone gearing up for the new year!  But that seems to be the story of every fall, doesn’t it?

When I look back at the semester that’s flown by, I’m reminded of how much God has done.  As is our tradition in Chi Alpha at American University, we held our Celebration Thursday service last week.

It’s important to us that we don’t let these months pass without taking moments to recognize where God has moved and what He’s doing in our community.  

Written by Rev. Natalie Hill (Facebook)

Written by Rev. Natalie Hill (Facebook)

Turns out when I take time to notice what He’s done, I realize that even though the semester moved so quickly, God’s packed it full with amazing moments on campus. Celebration Thursday is our way of carving out time to remember that.

One of our graduating seniors, Maura, gave our student message, sharing about what she’s learned and how she’s grown in these years as a student.  As she prepares for what’s next (grad school in St. Louis), she stressed the importance of being present and noticing what God is doing here and now, not just what He wants to do in the future.  

It was a timely, relevant word for our DC students, who are often caught planning the next things instead of living presently.  It was amazing to see how much Maura has grown in her years here, coming to AU as a baby Christian and leaving it after preaching a sermon and sharing her heart with her Chi Alpha community and field hockey team, all of whom came to hear her speak!  And to top off the night, we got to baptize two students in the university pool (while the lifeguard and late-night swimmers watched and cheered with us)!

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It’s so easy to let time fly by and forget to notice what God is doing in the here and now.  He is a personal and present Savior who is involved in every moment; let us never lose sight of that.

Thank you for your constant prayer and support of this ministry and college students in Washington, DC!  We’re praying for a wonderful end of the year for all of you and a Christmas season full of joy!

If you're interested in making a year-end gift towards DC Chi Alpha (a registered 501c3) — we recommend doing so online via our page on MightyCause (formerly Razoo Foundation).

Someone Knew Me in Less Than 15 Minutes

My mom, dad, and myself pull up outside of Letts Hall of American University with the back of our rented car filled with suitcases, Ikea bedding, and Rubbermaid tubs. We park. We get out. Then, out of nowhere, strangers with matching T-shirts suddenly start asking us if we wanted help moving in. Seeing as my dad was the only source of muscle, we all quickly agreed. Anyways, I run inside, find my room, and show these random people who said they were with Chi Alpha (a fraternity maybe?) where to take my stuff. As I was helping my helpers, a volunteer started asking me really specific questions, starting with the ones below (paraphrased since my memory isn’t great):

Written by Haley Holtzscher (Facebook)

Written by Haley Holtzscher (Facebook)

KP: Are you from Tulsa, OK perchance?
Me:…Yes. Why?
KP: I don’t suppose you know of a church called Believer’s Church, do ya?
Me:…Yes. I’ve gone there since I was 2. *laughter*
KP: Do you know someone named Anna Saah?
Me: Whoa, yeah! How do you know her? She was one of my youth leaders!
KP: So your name’s Haley, right? Anna mentioned you while we were in Ibiza.
Me: It is indeed. How did you know? This is so weird! So about this Chi Alpha thing…

I had been on campus for less than 15 minutes and already someone knew me. Kera Package (KP in the conversation above) had no way of knowing where I was from since we had taken off all identifying tags from my luggage and tubs and I hadn’t actually introduced myself since I’d been caught up in trying to get into my first dorm room. To this day I have no idea how Kera knew, out of hundreds of students she must have helped, that I was the girl Anna had talked about. After helping me move in, Kera invited me to some AU Chi Alpha (also known as AUXA) events later that week. I said yes immediately. If my youth leader from back home was friends with this random person, then I knew I could trust her suggestions. 

So that was my entry into the AUXA world. Yeah, I flaked out on going to a few of the events I had committed to but I also knew that I had an accountability buddy who wouldn’t let me continue to make excuses. 

I showed up at AU with finding a church/faith community as one of the last things on my mind so imagine my surprise when I had joined Chi Alpha by the end of my first day on campus. Sometimes all it takes is helping a stranger move some boxes into their new home to create a solid foundation for their college experience. This foundation wasn’t what I wanted, but it must have been something that I needed or else Kera wouldn’t have found me so quickly. 

So, yeah, I believe in this whole reach the city campaign. I know that those who need to be reached will be since efforts like it reached me when I was super far from home.

Note: Today is the second-to-last day for our Indiegogo campaign called Reach the City.