Beach Retreat - 2012
We've got over one hundred students from GMU, GU and AU that are traveling this weekend to be part of our Annual Fall Beach Retreat. Every year, this weekend is a time for students to press pause on the distractions of life and get out of their routine with the purpose of pursuing community and God.
In years past, we've had students feel a calling to ministry as well as taking the step of being baptized in water.
Would you join with our staff in praying for this weekend? Specifically, we are asking God to assist us in our travels so that we make it there safely (we have 15+ vehicles in several caravans) and that students encounter God in a real way.
We'll release all the audio recordings from our main sessions with Ouida Bradford and you can follow along this weekend on Facebook, Twitter by searching for the official hashtag which is #XABR13.
(Written by Blane Young)