Why We Gather Together

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I’ve realized in the past few weeks, that there are things I believe and hold dearly to (convictions and values) that I need to keep in front of me and also, in front of our community. In other words, values that aren’t articulated, aren’t cultivated. I was reminded that even though I have been here 8+ years, for some, it’s their first year or two in Chi Alpha so things that I feel I’ve communicated a ton might actually be things I haven’t said recently. So every now and then, I’ll be sharing some thoughts and tidbits as I process where we are and where we’re going. SDG! — Blane

Every year, around this time, I remind myself (and our students!) about Hebrews 10:25 (NIRV) which says:

And let us not give up meeting together. Some are in the habit of doing this. Instead, let us encourage one another with words of hope. Let us do this even more as you see Christ’s return approaching.

Even in the early church, the first years of Christian community, there was a tendency to drift or to lose passion. Distractions aren’t a modern invention but instead, humans are always prone to wander. I know that I am, whether it’s because I’n discouraged or because I am distracted by things that are both new and novel. I can easily lose focus, even of the essential things. And I’d bet that you might be the same way.

This (academic) year has brought us lots of transitions, changes outside of our control and changes that we’ve made as a Staff Team that we believe to be best for our community / communities long-term. That’s hard. In fact, it’s hard on me and in some ways, I seem to have the most ‘control’ or decision-making capability. But I understand that it’s hard for students, in similar and dissimilar ways. I don’t think I can make things ‘less hard’ (although I wish I could!) but I think I can grow in communicating the ‘why’ and not just the ‘how’.


5 Reasons We Gather Together

I am sure there are more than five reasons, but these are the ones that first popped into my head. Blame the Starbucks blonde roast pour-over!

1. We are better together. I need you, and you need me (like the Barney song, but not). The concept of ‘Jesus and Me’ is a non-biblical invention of an individualized society. Instead, the story of God throughout Scripture is the story of Him and His People (a plural, group).

2. Specifically, we are gathered together (as Chi Alpha students from American University and Georgetown University) for WEEKLY WORSHIP because, in part, we don’t have the staff capacity to pull off campus-specific services with health. Most campus ministries in the city (including ours) has wonderful staff members come and go (way more than we’d want!). And I’ve decided that I want to do all I can in my role, to make sure I utilize staff instead of using (or abusing) staff. I don’t know if we (as DC Chi Alpha) have always done this well. So then, the question is no longer ‘Could we pull this off?’ but instead, ‘Should we do this?’ or ‘Would this be wise?’

3. We are gathered for those that aren’t here yet. It was once said that Christian community is the only ‘organization’ that gathers for the sake of its non-members. And I hope that’s true of us. With that in mind, we have a heart to reach college students in the city. In fact, we have a scary-big vision for the next ten years (and beyond!) that involves more staff, more Life Groups, more Life Group Leaders, more campuses and more environments where we can have Gospel-conversations and moments of Jesus-community. This year (and for however long we continue with WEEKLY WORSHIP) we are building a foundation. We are setting and resetting culture. I’ve been pretty open that there are things that are strengths of GUXA that I want AUXA to learn from (and vice-versa). And we know that Galatians 6:9 says that in due time or in the right time, we will see the benefits or the outcome from our investment. I hope you and I get to see it, but Hebrews 10-13 tells us that even if we don’t, it’s worth it. Why? To be faithful to God and make it better for the next generation of students and staff.

4. We are becoming a blended family. It’s messy and fun and weird and strange and most of our preferences are out the window. But that’s the picture I get when I read about the community in the book of Acts. We are still learning about each other (one campus to another, one generation to another) but the more we know, the more we can truly love + serve.

5. It’s the direction we sense is from God that aligns with the dreams He’s given us. In some ways, this can feel like an awkward God-card to pull. But I don’t mean it that way. I mean that we have prayed and discussed and sought after the ways in which we can best reach students and this is where we sense the Lord is leading us.

It might not make sense at first, but we aren’t just concerned for students that are currently enrolled but for the junior in high school that’s attending GU in a few years or the senior that just toured AU and starts next August. Or even the student deciding between GW and Howard, and will be in the graduating class of 2024. We are learning that it’s easy to be loud or make a splash for Jesus, and much more difficult (yet more missional!) to be consistent for years, faithful in the long-haul.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Here’s a GIF as a reward.