The following post has been written by Blane Young and he claims it's his attempt at satire. He serves on staff with Chi Alpha at American University and really digs social media.
I know, I know. Everyone has been to Awkward Family Photos online or spent the afternoon in Urban Outfitters reading the book while your friends shopped for thrifty threads at LA prices. Or, at least I've done both of those things.
But I thought to myself earlier this week, "What could be better than awkward family photos at Christmas?". And I found the answer, awkward family photos at Thanksgiving. I don't know if it's true because this holiday is all about food (and being grateful for the animals we eat and those we eat with) or because it's a holiday that, for me at least, feels politically incorrect.

But let's not go down either of those roads. What we do want you to do is take a look, have some laughs and share some of your awkward photos from Thanksgiving with us in the comments. Simply upload your photo to a free service (like Image Shack or Tiny Pic) and then post the URL link in the comments. You know it's going to be fun!
Note: If you're asking why we're doing this, the only answer is that we (er, I) think it could generate laughter and most of us believe that's a great medicine! And a big thanks to GMA - Yahoo for inspiring this post and for the images!