Author info: Alec is a rising junior at American University studying Film and Entrepreneurship. In addition to starting a YouTube channel this August, called “The Rhodes Less Traveled”, he is preparing to bike across the US next summer to raise awareness and a one million dollar goal for pediatric cancer research. You can follow Alec’s journey on Facebook, Twitter (@Eagleboiii1776), and Instagram (the_rhodes_less_traveled).
There are multiple reasons why I absolutely love AU Chi Alpha Campus Ministries but if I had to choose three main reasons they would be the following:
First and foremost, my relationship with Jesus Christ has grown tremendously surpassing my wildest expectations, and I realized I’m just getting started. I remember my first Thursday Night Worship (TNW) as a freshman. I sat near one of the back pews shy and uncomfortable. When everyone started to worship Jesus I saw people in front of me with hands lifted towards the sky, eyes closed, and voices shouting to the heavens. Meanwhile I’m standing with both hands in my pockets thinking everyone is possessed. Four semesters later on the last TNW of the spring semester I’m in front on the front pew raising my hands to the sky, with my eyes closed, and my voice shouting to the heavens. Moreover, my prayer life has increased tenfold. At the beginning of my sophomore year I was asked by my small group leader to pray out loud in public to a group of freshmen. Long story short, the prayer was all over the place, I was thinking too much with my mind instead of my heart, and I just simply didn’t believe I could pray with sincerity. Flash forward, by the end of the spring semester I was asked to pray for the President of AU Chi Alpha, the pastor of AU Chi Alpha, and a senior, who was probably the nicest girl I have ever met in my life. Long story short, I faced my fear, poured my heart out to them, and just simply spoke as if the Lord Himself was right before me.
Second, would have to be the travel opportunities that AU Chi Alpha offers, both voluntarily and involuntarily. I’m from a small country town in North Carolina and lived there for 18 years of my life so it’s easy to say that when an option of traveling is mentioned I’ll be the first one on board. During my time in AU Chi Alpha I have evangelized strangers on the Outer Banks in my home state and helped build churches in Mexico. Moreover, I have had unforeseen circumstances in which I network with someone mutually related to AU Chi Alpha telling me of phenomenal opportunities to glorify God and grow in my faith journey. Just this summer I had the privilege of attending a conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan on how to effectively address poverty with a Christ centered focus as well as intern in Selma, Alabama to help small businesses thrive and make promotional videos for them and the internship itself!
“Each and every encounter never ceases to amaze my spirit within because all of my “Chialfriends” have a deep desire to go out of their way to help others.”
Last but not least is the unparalleled community of Christ minded students from all over the country and the world that AU Chi Alpha attracts. Each and every encounter never ceases to amaze my spirit within because all of my “Chialfriends” have a deep desire to go out of their way to help others. Whether it’s an Oregon girl keeping myself accountable to stay consistent with my devotionals and bible readings over the summer or a Malaysian guy praying for our Uber driver, each and every one of them genuinely care for my growth in Christ and strangers alike. In addition, my lifelong friends in AU Chi Alpha have never given up on me even when I gave up on them. Despite enduring the hardships of a breakup, the overwhelming stress of almost losing my financial aid a whopping three times, and struggling with depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts, my friends, my saviors, pulled me out of the darkness by shining the light of hope upon me.
Simply put, I absolutely love AU Chi Alpha, because AU Chi Alpha absolutely loves me too! #BetterTogether