Author Info: Stefa Chappell was just named Chi Alpha’s first National Field Director, after serving faithfully in a variety of roles throughout the country. She recently completed her Master's degree, and when she's not taking care of her adorable dog Finn (who has his own Instagram) she's probably out for a run, or searching for authentic salsa. She has a passion for college students that’s unparalleled and has a gift for teaching about stress, rest and cultivating healthy devotional rhythms.
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I have found that one of the hardest things about being in ministry (for me now for over two decades) is maintaining my faith. Yes, I just said that.
The ministry is a wonderful calling—an adventure in walking with Christ that’s a little off the beaten path compared to most vocations. In being called to full time ministry I have been invited to walk a path similar to the path Jesus walked—dependent on God through His people for my salary, called to serve and lead this fabulous, messy group of people called the Church.
Ministry is not unique in having intense pressures. What makes ministry unique is that it is so intricately bound with our faith. If I did not love God, why would I be in ministry? But the pressures, criticism, unending workload, typically lower pay and higher expectations can have an adverse effect on a person’s spiritual life. Outside of a daily, protected time with Jesus, there are a few things I have found to help me keep my faith in Jesus central to my life as I endeavor to serve in this wonderful ministry.
Take intentional time away from the ministry to be reminded that you are first and foremost a child of God.
“I was called into relationship with God before I was called to ministry.”
Several years ago I took a six-month sabbatical—I was burned out and too young to be that way. For much of my sabbatical I traveled and stayed with dear friends who just loved me. Without question, the most valuable thing that the Lord did deep inside me was to remind me that I am first and foremost His daughter. I don’t think you need to take a sabbatical to learn that lesson (although I think more ministers would be healthier and more fruitful if they did!), but it must be learned. I was called into relationship with God before I was called to ministry. I was called to relationship with God before the earth was founded. That’s got to mean something.
Have friends outside of the ministry.
My friends are lawyers, image consultants and nurses—they own their own businesses and work at places like NASA and somewhere that has to do with Defense (which I may or may not be allowed to know about). :) As I interact with my friends we don’t talk much about what’s going on in my job (insert Selah here!). We talk more about our relationship with God than my To Do list. I am not the leader in our friendship. I am a follower of Christ.
Remember that God really doesn’t need you.
The simple fact is that God can do this work without me. Yes, He wants me to be involved (which is why He asked) and He wants to partner with us mere mortals to see His Kingdom come to earth (and He always will), but He really doesn’t need me to make sure it all happens. When I keep this in mind I can’t help but respond with gratitude for being a part of this work. There are times when I literally say to God, “Thanks for thinking of me.” Gratitude nurtures a healthy relationship with God (or with anyone, really), and that’s a great way to stay Christian in the ministry!
Originally published on July 16, 2014 • Short Link: