Smaller Stories, Suffering & the Early Church

Written by Daniel Meneses (Give-A-Year Staff)

Recently, I finished a course on Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers.  Taking an in-depth look at Acts taught me a lot of the early church and its practical implications.  Before I took this course, I always thought that Acts was purely historical, and didn’t have meaning for today.

I think there were so many “smaller stories” in Acts that I had glossed over and not really took the time to reflect on.  Once I did, I saw how applicable they could be.  What I thought was descriptive in Acts is actually far more prescriptive.   While Acts is historical and theological, it models practices that we can bring into our daily lives and our communities.  The early church in Acts is something to live into. 

Many of these “smaller stories” demonstrate God working good from suffering, evil and pain.  Some of that transcends lifetimes. We see how Stephen’s death by stoning, brings increased widespread persecution for believers in Jerusalem.  However, it “forces” believers to look beyond their boundaries towards the Gentiles in Judea, Samaria and beyond.  Even after they had been baptized in the Holy Spirit, it took a horrible event to move believers outward, beyond comfort and familiarity.  

In the story of Paul and Barnabas, good comes from adversity but differently.  You have Paul who did not think it was wise to bring John Mark because he had deserted them in Pamphylia, while Barnabas wanted to give him a second a chance and show mercy.  Neither was “incorrect” but they each had different ministry philosophies.  Yet in the gray area, God’s kingdom still advanced, by the Holy Spirit through both of them.  God used their natural tendencies and they both ended up having successful ministries.  

In my life group and conversations, I want to be rooted in how the early church lived and practiced (Acts 2 and 4).  Do we pray, share, fellowship, and devote ourselves to teaching together?  Because despite what was going on around them, the believers in Acts remained faithful, disciplined, and connected.  The result: great joy, perseverance, and fulfillment in trials.

During this pandemic I’m often distressed, tired, and saddened, but at the same time there are moments of extravagant grace.  God reminds of how He is using this time to equip me to serve His kingdom and to minister to students in a unique time. 

Sometimes I fear making a decision (whether big or small) that I may regret which leads me to inaction or paralysis by analysis.  If I walk into doors with a heart set on obedience to the Lord, to love Him and my neighbors, God’s kingdom will advance and even if I don’t see the fruits right away.

Just as He did with the early believers in Acts, the Holy Spirit seeks to use the decisions I make for good and to conform them to His great purposes.  I can live into the framework of the early church, knowing the Holy Spirit will work in me.
