1-Page Book Intro: Habakkuk [Blog]

by German Figueroa [DCXA at GU]

The Book of Habakkuk was likely written between 610 and 605 B.C. While some of the other prophets we see engaging and confronting the people of Israel on God's behalf, the book of Habakkuk shows us something else. Habakkuk finds himself in a difficult place because he lived during Israel's southern kingdom time in idolatry and was frustrated at the nation's Babylon's rise. He sees so much injustice, evil, and tragedy in nations like them.

The book begins with Habakkuk crying out to God to answer why the Israelites will suffer in their captivity under an evil nation. The Lord responds by saying he is well aware of all the evil within the different nations. Still, Habakkuk wouldn't even believe what he had planned. Then Habakkuk and God began this dialogue about God's plan. Habakkuk prayed, expressing his strong faith in God, despite his feelings. 

We can learn from Habakkuk's book that God is not afraid of our questions, and he is never surprised in the process of being obedient. The Book of Habakkuk affirms that God is a sovereign, omnipotent God who has all things under control. We just need to be still and know He is at work. He is who He says He is and does keep His promises. He will punish the wicked. Even when we cannot see it, He is still on the throne of the universe.  

The style of the book is poems of lament similar to the ones you read in Psalms. This makes sense when you realize that Habakkuk has a direct conversation with God. 

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