The Spirit In Ministry — DC Chi Alpha

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The Spirit In Ministry

Written By Alexis Faubel

Growing up in the Church, I didn’t realize how unique my specific experience was until much later. My parents met in Bible College in their twenties, but this Bible college had a unique, Pentecostal culture associated with it. They later landed in Las Vegas, NV at a church that carried those same distinctives. As I was raised in this church, I was taught that the Holy Spirit is living and active within me, right alongside the knowledge that Jesus loves me. As we studied Acts in children’s church, along with the rest of the classic Bible stories, there was never a doubt in my mind that our charismatic culture was unique. However, now that I’m older I’m grateful for the knowledge and understanding that the supernatural power and comfort of the Holy Spirit were taught to me at such a young age.

The lessons that I received when I was little weren’t the only experiences that I had in my Pentecostal church. I was able to speak in tongues as a young child, and I started developing the gift of discernment by the time I started high school. Being a witness to healing services and prophetic moments in my church also paved a way for me to form a deep belief and trust in God and His active presence. When I got older, I remember being used by God in college through dreams and prophetic statements for friends who were going through hard times. I’ve also had a vision of Him and was able to discern between negative spirits that threatened people close to me. All of these instances were directly tied to my relationship with the Holy Spirit, Him allowing me to “Know the Unknowable”, and ultimately impact others’ lives because of it. I am grateful to be able to work with the Spirit to serve others and speak into their lives when it may feel like they don’t know what to do or where to turn. And now I believe God has used these gifts to prepare me for full-time ministry.

Whether it is as intense as dreams and visions, or as gentle as speaking truth to my students who are doubting or discouraged, knowing that the Holy Spirit is within me and is working with me, gives me comfort and confidence that can only come from Him. Knowing that the same power that was with Jesus is now in me because of His gift of the Holy Spirit, has helped me often when I’m afraid. Whether it’s waking up from a nightmare, or walking alone at night, my knowledge that I can rely on the God who is with me always, is a not-so-secret strength that I am grateful I can rely on, especially as a minister. I hope that you too get to experience the empowerment and love of the Holy Spirit one day, and I encourage you to join me in praying for more of His Spirit in our lives.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.