Intern Mondays // I Can't Believe I Get to Do This

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Have you met the interns yet? They're pretty amazing. The following post is from Becca Pugh, our happy-go-lucky intern from Pittsburgh. 

There are moments throughout this internship so far when time kind of freezes in my mind and I realize where I am, who I’m with, and what I'm doing. In these moments I can't help but be grateful that I get to do this, especially when I think about how much has happened in the years I've been in Chi Alpha as a student.  It was during this time that God really changed my heart and my life. I don't deserve to be here. I don't deserve to be serving with these people. I don't deserve to be learning from this staff.

But one quote from a book I read this summer speaks powerfully to me and reminds me of my purpose and calling.

"God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called." - Christine Caine

The book is Undaunted and it's by Christine Caine, a leader at Hillsong Church and a modern day abolitionist. She and her husband founded the A21 Campaign, whose mission is to put a stop to human trafficking in the 21st century. This quote spoke to me a lot over the summer as I support-raised for this internship and it speaks to me significantly now as the year begins. It reminds me that there is no question as to my calling. I’m called to make disciples, and God is the one who qualifies me to do that. I’m learning that such qualifying can be a process, which will happen through experiences that stretch and grow me, through relationships with the staff, through leading small group, and through my classes. Ultimately it’s God’s grace that qualifies me to do any of this. I do not deserve to be here, but God makes a way because He has called me to a purpose greater than myself. 

I love having the chance to do ministry in a more focused way. Being an intern is different- really different- from my former role here. It’s a transitional time right now, but I’m excited to be doing this work. Like those moments when I feel grateful, I’ve also had moments of marveling at how awesome it is that this is my full-time job. Is it hard? Yes. Is there a lot to do? Yes. Do I sometimes feel daunted? Sure. Yet I can’t help but be joyful about the fact that full-time ministry is actually something I get to do. Our full-time job is literally changing lives with the love and message of Jesus. That’s pretty stinking cool.

The interns are involved in a rigorous ten-month program designed to train, equip and prepare them for a life of vocational ministry. You can read more about this program and others like it here.