We've Done This for 14 Years

This is a guest post by Mike Godzwa, the American University Chi Alpha Campus Director, and also a runner, coffee-connoisseur, and dad. You can connect with him via Twitter.

Every year since Chi Alpha Campus Ministries was official at American University, we’ve been a part of freshman move-in.  There’s a couple of reason for that.  

First, it’s a huge service to the campus. A traffic jam in front of the dorms is not the first impression the university wants to give to the incoming class.  Those parents and students are a bundle of emotions.  The mess of move-in can be more than some of them can handle (trust me I’ve seen it more than once).  As our team of Chi Alpha movers have stepped in, year after year, it’s made the move-in experience far more pleasant for everyone involved.  Parents and students are happy and the university looks good in the process.  That’s what I call a win-win!

The second reason is a far more important one.  Move-in is the freshmen’s first impression of campus life.  More often than not, the first invitation they receive is to a frat party.  It colors their view of how things work on campus.  We want to change this.  We want the first invitation every new student receives to be one for a Chi Alpha event.  This tells the Jesus follower, there’s a place for them to connect to a Christian community. It also tells those who have yet to meet Him, the university is a great place to explore what faith is all about.  A connection made here, can change the course of a semester, a year, and a life.

You've helped us to do that.  Thank you for investing in DC Chi Alpha.  Because of your gifts, we're able to be the first people an incoming AU student will meet.  Because of your gifts we're better able to reach students, train leaders, and influence nations.  

This summer, we raised $6,000 through our 100 for $100 Project. If you'd like to read more or you're considering investing in what we do, you can read more here