Below is a resource that we created that has a collection of articles from different pastors and theologians on how we can view tragedy, suffering, and specifically coronavirus. They all come from different denominations and theological frameworks, so looking at all of them may help you figure out your own personal viewpoint. If you want to chat about any of them, all of us on staff would be happy to!
Beneath the list, you can also download this in PDF form.
Christian Responses to Suffering & Tragedy
various perspectives and understanding
Notes: These may or may not reflect the views of any or all staff members. Additionally, many of these views are not necessarily able to be synthesized as they are distinct. We are not endorsing any of these writings definitely or other writings of the authors / writers that are mentioned. Finally, some of these posts are recent and some are years old but have retained value.
Christianity Offers No Answers About the Coronavirus. It's Not Supposed To.
by N.T. Wright in Time Magazine
Tags: scholar, theologian, Anglican, non-Calvinist, Coronavirus-specific
Coronavirus and Christ: Behold the Kindness and Severity of God
by John Piper at Desiring God (Blog)
Tags: pastor, author, Reformed, Calvinist, Coronavirus-specific
Why God Might Not Be Causing Your Suffering
by John Pavlovitz
Tags: blogger, author, pastor, tragedy-general
Why Zika, and Other Viruses, Don’t Disprove God’s Goodness
by Interview with Rebecca Randall at Christianity Today (online)
Tags: scientist, tragedy-general
A Cross-Centered Evaluation of Responses to Tragedy
by Greg Boyd at ReKnew (Blog)
Tags: scholar, theologian, pastor, Open Theist, tragedy-general
Responding Theologically to the Coronavirus Epidemic
by Roger E. Olson at Patheos (Blog)
Tags: scholar, theologian, Arminian (free will), Coronavirus-specific
What Christian Leaders Are Saying About the Coronavirus Crisis
Collection of Tweets / Overview of Responses of Christian Leaders
Tags: tweets, perspectives, quotes, ecumenical