
Community Emailer — Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Life Groups, Opportunities for Graduate Students, & A Free Dinner on Thursday || DCXA at GU (1/21/25)

I'm reading through the Book of Acts with my church this month, and I was struck by this passage this morning: 

After spending some time in Antioch, Paul went back through Galatia and Phrygia, visiting and strengthening all the believers. — Acts 18:23 (NLT)

It got me thinking: How can we strengthen each other's faith this week, even within our own Chi Alpha community? I'm sure there are more ways, but I thought of these few: praying for each other by name, refusing to gossip, speaking an encouraging word to a friend, or even treating someone to lunch. 

Let's be a community that loves each other well, because we were first loved! 


Upcoming Events

Life Groups

It's not too late to join and prioritize growing in Christ together!  

Women: Tuesdays from 7:15pm-8:30pm at Tierra's

Men: Tuesday from 7pm-8:30pm at Tyler's 

Note: These groups are open to undergraduate and graduate students. 

Graduate Student Opportunities 

→ Emmanuel is leading the Grad Student Connect Group at the Capital Campus and you can contact him to get information on time/location. They begin this week! 

→ Evan and I are gathering our main campus graduate students this Friday (1/24) for a free lunch from 12:30pm-1:30pm at the Tombs. 

This Week's Connect 

This Thursday, we are in McShain Small from 8pm-9pm and we'll provide a free dinner (Chipotle burritos!) as well as two discussion questions for our 'dinner and dialogue' event. The idea is that we'd create a space where our community (and our friends from around campus!) can connect relationally and in rich conversation. The questions will be along the line of 'what's a skill you've recently learned' or 'how have you grown as a person during your time in college'. The finalized questions will be on the screen and posted up around the room on Thursday! 

You can see our entire upcoming Connect schedule on IG!

Community Emailer — Tuesday, January 14th, 2025

Life Groups, Snow Tubing, & A Free eBook (1/14/25) || DCXA at GU

And just like that, we're nearly a week into the new semester!

I'm personally using this guided Christian meditation this week and I thought I'd share it: Alabaster Co | New Beginnings (YouTube)

Life Groups: Resume Tonight (1/14) 
We love the chance to create spaces where friends can pursue Jesus together as we seek to abide deeply and live missionally on campus! 

Women: Tuesdays from 7:15pm-8:30pm at Tierra's
Men: Tuesday from 7pm-8:30pm at Tyler's 

Note: These groups are open to undergraduate and graduate students. 


Chi Alpha Connect (aka Large Group) [1/16]
This week, we're scheduled to spend an hour in prayer + worship as a community. We hope you'll join us at 8pm in McShain Small as we take time to spend time in God's presence together. 

Thank you to everyone that came last week and did our community service project through Color A Smile

Snow Tubing Day Trip to Bryce [1/18] 
Please register today or tomorrow!  
A fun outing at a resort about only two hours away! DC Chi Alpha is heavily subsidizing this so that as many people can come as possible. We'll leave from GU (near the front gates) at 8:30am for an 11am ticketed slope time. The resort provides the tubes, simply dress warm! I will take care of purchasing our tickets as a group. After an hour of snow tubing (and hopefully a lot of laughs!), we'll grab lunch in a small town nearby and then drive back to campus. 

I'd expect us to be back around 3:30pm or 4pm. 

Cost: $25 per person (includes tubing, lunch, and transportation)


Grad Student Connect Groups
We are working on the details for these, so stay tuned. 
→ Emmanuel is leading the group at the Capital Campus and you can contact him to get information on time/location. 

Free eBook
If you've never read A Pursuit of God (Tozer), then I'd encourage you to download this short resource as you endeavor to prioritize your faith in a new year and new semester!  

Community Emailer — Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

A New Semester: Events, Links, & A Short Devotional (1/7/25) || DCXA at GU

Just like that, we begin a new semester together tomorrow! Whether you had a great break, a difficult break, or one that was more complex — I am looking forward to catching up and for us to spend time together in community! Be reminded that you are seen and cared for in this community but even more than that, by God the Father Himself. 

Upcoming Events
1. Welcome Back Dinner [1/8] 

We'll be in McShain Small at 6pm tomorrow (Wednesday). We'll provide Chipotle! We've got burritos, chips, and salsa ordered. Feel free to bring a game (or two) as we all reconnect and hang out together. There's no cost or registration required! 

2. Chi Alpha Connect (aka Large Group) [1/9]
We'll be in our normal space of McShain Small from 8pm-9pm. We'll provide snacks and our focus or theme for this week will be a community service group project or in-service project. We've partnered with the national non-profit Color A Smile to provide colored drawings and notes on their stationary, which they'll send to nursing homes, troops overseas, and others who have signed up to receive encouraging notes from volunteers. This gives us a chance to invite friends to participate and to live out our value of existing for something beyond ourselves! 

3. NEXA SALT Conference [1/10 - 1/12] 
If you're registered, you (fingers crossed!) have received information from me as well as the conference organizers. I can't wait for Friday afternoon/evening when we depart for a weekend together full of worship and learning in PA. 

4. Snow Tubing Day Trip to Bryce [1/18] 
A fun outing at a resort about only two hours away! DC Chi Alpha is heavily subsidizing this so that as many people can come as possible. We'll leave from GU (near the front gates) at 8:30am for an 11am ticketed slope time. The resort provides the tubes, simply dress warm! I will take care of purchasing our tickets as a group. After an hour of snow tubing (and hopefully a lot of laughs!), we'll grab lunch in a small town nearby and then drive back to campus. 

I'd expect us to be back around 3:30pm or 4pm. 

Oh, and the resort uses a mixture of natural snow and machine-made snow — so we should be good to go under most weather conditions! 

Cost: $25 per person (includes tubing, lunch, and transportation)

Key Links 
Register for our Snow Tubing Day Trip [Link] 
→ Note: Bryce Resort often sells out, so we are trying to get everyone to register on or before January 14th. But the sooner the better! 

Our Instagram ( is a great way to ensure that you're aware of any last-minute changes to our official events and groups. 

A Short Devotional: Love & Doing Good 

"Let us not tire of preaching love; it is the force that will overcome the world."
— Oscar Romero 

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
— Galatians 6:9 (NIV) 

The quote from Romero hangs in my dining room, so I see it everyday. And this verse has been an anchor for me the past few years, so it's often in my mind (and it's also likely highlighted in every Bible I own!). 

It got me to thinking: What makes preaching (and living) love tiresome? Why do we (as humans) get weary as we do good works? 

I think one of the reasons is because love takes a lot of time. It isn't always the expedient route or method. 

But it's what we've been called to and it's why, in short, all of us are connected. 

We are loved by God. And we are called to love each other as well as those that have yet to respond to His gracious love. 

Both the quote and the verse remind me to 'keep the main thing the main thing' but also, allow me to name the reality that loving well requires effort as well as a strength beyond my own. 

May we see the cost and with Christ as our Helper and Wonderful Counselor, love from the posture as His beloved. 

Jesus, help me do this and help us live this as a community. 
Amen. ¶ 

See you soon! 
Rev. Blane Young ||

Community Emailer — Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024

We hope to see you this week and next week! 

Hey everyone! 

We want to do our best to provide times of laughter, connection, discussion, worship, reflection, and free food as everyone enters the final sprint of the semester. 

Of course, stay connected and in the loop via on IG and for any forms (such as the RSVP for the Christmas Party), you can go to  

Excited for all the fun things we have planned!

— Rev. Blane