Community-Wide Emails (02)

Good morning, everyone.

Words cannot describe the plethora of emotions that each of us are facing amidst the coronavirus and precautionary measures being implemented across the country to prevent spreading. 

And I also know that this hits everyone differently, as it impacts everyone uniquely. 

We are praying for you, trusting that Jesus desires to meet us right where we are. We are also thankful that both of our Mission Teams (PR and ATL) have returned safely and seem to be in great health.  

Specifically, I am praying this into your reality today: 

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:7-8A

In terms of DC Chi Alpha, we met with a number of staff and Life Group Leaders via Zoom last night. 

Here's a few guiding thoughts on how we are, as an organization and community, responding. We have always believed that agreement is not a prerequisite to honor. Which means, as we receive directives regarding campus closures and requests to not hold in-person religious programming for the time being — we are trying to walk in honor of decision-makers at the universities we serve. As we research and read updated information from the CDC and DC Government, we are striving to walk in the Spirit and make decisions that are wise.

→ This has led us to  suspend all of our in-person programming (student-led and staff-led, on-campus and off-campus, from one-on-one's to worship gatherings). We do so out of a desire to play our part in the common good. Loving our neighbor looks radically different today than it did a week or month or year ago. 

However, this does not mean we are giving up, shutting down or easing up on our passionate desire to talk about Jesus often, invest in students and create pockets of Gospel-centered community. We will continue to live out 2 Corinthians 5:20 to the best of our ability, even with new obstacles and constraints. 

It'll look very different, it won't be ideal, but we think that the Lord might want to do still do something in our hearts and in our community. 

Below, I'm sharing the first part of a roadmap for the next 30 days for us. 
As a reminder, the best way to stay up-to-date is:

Next 30 Days: Roadmap 

Three Key Words: 
Connection, Commitment, Training


DNA Groups in their current form and current schedule 
Weekly Worship in its current format  [which is: IRL, a service / worship gathering] 

New Initiatives / Happenings
Learning Parties: A weekly chance to hear a sermon from some of the best Chi Alpha Pastors, Missionaries and Church Leaders around the world and then discuss it together via chat boxes. 

Weekly Staff-Led Bible Discussion & Prayer 

  • How? Zoom Video Call (meeting ID and info at

  • When? Starting Thursday (3/19) at 8:30pm  

  • Who? Anyone and everyone! 

Continuing (with adjustments) 
One-on-One’s & Life Groups
You'll hear from your Staff Mentor or Life Group Leader sometime this week as they seek to creatively continue (with technology tools) to facilitate community and invest in your spiritual growth. 

Next Level Intensives (NLIs) 

  • How?

  • When? Resuming 3/24 • Same days/times as our IRL offerings (you can choose what time/day works for your new schedule) 

  • Who? Current NLI Participants 

Again, thank you for your time and for experimenting with us over the next 30 days. May the Lord help us, help me, be flexible and grow in me a willingness to try new things. 

Let's trust the Lord to help us to be people of joy, light, hope and wisdom. And may we never forgot those that are currently infected or in an at-risk population group.


Rev. Blane Young & the DCXA Staff Team