Living Generously: What It Means And How It Shapes You

Author Bio: Currently working full-time in the marketplace, Hannah loves the thriving, fast-paced city that is Washington, DC. A proud alum from the University of Alabama, there's very little she loves more than college football, her husband Blane, and their son Jeremiah. You can find her around the city exploring bookstores, drinking coffee, or taking walks with Jeremiah, and follow her on Twitter at @hannahfyoung. 

The other day Jeremiah and I were taking a bus ride. He loves buses. We got on the bus together- my hands full of baby, stroller, metrocard, diaper bag, etc. People graciously moved out of the way so we could sit in the preferred seating in front. Next to me was a man who looked down on his luck- very possibly homeless. He noticed Jeremiah’s wide-eyed stare and excitement to be on a bus. Side note: bus rides are possibly the most exciting thing in the world if you are 20 months old. 

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The homeless man asked him, “Is this your first bus ride?” He told me Jeremiah should have something to mark the occasion. From one of his bags he pulled out a well-worn, well-used plastic box and from it, gave Jeremiah several pennies. “No, wait,” he said, “you need more than that.” He then proceeded to give Jeremiah a huge, heaping handful of pennies, nickels, and dimes.

The bus arrived at my stop and I thanked the man profusely for making the experience so special and for his gift to Jeremiah. I left the bus feeling overwhelmed by his generosity. He took the time to truly see the people around him and live generously - regardless of his own circumstances. 

In fact, how you give now determines how you will give later.

This experience reminds me that we are never too poor to give. In fact, how you give now determines how you will give later. Are you waiting to get out of debt, to get a better job, to stop living paycheck-to-paycheck before you start giving?

If so, I challenge you to read the story of the Widow’s Mite (Mark 12:41-44, Luke 21:1-4). It’s pretty clear she had no savings, no back-up plan, and no streams of revenue, yet she was willing to give all she had. Prayerfully ask God where, when, and how much you should give. He knows your financial situation. He also knows people who need blessing. 

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:34

Take a minute. Examine your heart. How can you live generously today?

Published on July 26, 2016 • Short Link:

Why We Keep Talking About Devotional Life

Author Info: A Buffalo native, Natalie Kate "Kate Hill" Hill (of the Modern Nomads) is best known for her unique vocals and indie style. Yet it's her heart for seeing students lives transformed by the power and love of Jesus that makes her a quality leader. She serves on the staff team at American University Chi Alpha. You can connect with her via our AU Chi Alpha Staff Page.

There’s this thing in the church I grew up called Bible Quiz.  It’s probably exactly what you’re thinking, on steroids.  It’s a competition between teams from all different churches where you’re asked questions about the Bible, all ranging in point value.  Some require answers with direct quotes and scripture references (known as “quotation questions”), you can interrupt the question and complete the question and the answer (to beat the other team to it), and the competition is complete with buzzers and strategies on how to hold your hands for the quickest “beep.”  I don’t mean to brag or anything (actually I do),  but my team won first place in the Junior Bible Quiz state competition in sixth grade.  All of that to say, I knew a lot of things about the Bible.

I learned a lot and knew the answers and memorized the facts.  I take great pride in how quickly I can recite the books of the Bible and the 12 tribes of Judah in order.  And growing up in church, people always talked about devotional life, but in my head, I thought I already knew everything I needed to know.  I knew what was in the Bible backwards and forwards, literally.

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It took me many years to realize how misguided I was.

I think there will always be a season in our lives when we learn that knowing about the Bible and knowing Jesus are not the same thing.  I learned it my sophomore year of college in a season of depression where reciting the 12 sons of Jacob didn’t change the pain or the loneliness.  I knew what the Bible said but I didn’t have a daily relationship with Jesus.  I wasn’t letting the words of scripture come to life and speak hope into my bones.  It took hurting to understand that Jesus wanted to be with me every day, reminding me of who He was to me and how much He valued me.  And that took a daily devotional life, reminding myself of who God was and how the Jesus of the Bible is the Jesus of today.

At a certain point, we can’t be satisfied with where we’ve been.

We can know all the facts, but God wants to bring us to a deeper place with Him.  When I got to college, there was knowledge but not depth.  At a certain point, we can’t be satisfied with where we’ve been.  When we spend daily time with God and in His word, we start to delight in His commandments (Psalm 119).  We start to find hope in our brokenness (Lamentations 3).  We start to understand just how much Christ values us (Luke 12).  We can stay where we’ve been or we can want more.  And we can have a fuller, deeper, more rewarding relationship with our savior.

I keep talking about devotional life because I know what it was like to not have it, and I know what it’s like to have it.  And I could get by just fine for a while.  I could explain my religion with a list of facts, and my faith looked a lot like a to-do list with things to check off and things to know.  I think that’s how the majority of self-professed Christians view it too.  

But there’s more to be found.

There’s a God who longs to give us a hope and a peace and to show us grace.  His laws are there for our good, because He loves us.  He wants to show us this every day.  And He just longs to be in relationship with us.  But like any true relationship, it takes work.  It takes showing up each day with all our baggage and saying, “Let’s be together.”

Published on July 25, 2016 • Short Link:

Divine Appointments

Bonnie Duncan is the pastor for Georgetown Chi Alpha. Proudly raised in Texas, Bonnie graduated from Georgetown University in 2013 and never left. She loves iced tea with a ton of lemons (some would say she has a problem), adventures involving potentially dangerous amounts of cliffs and ice (or both) and is an avid fan of weenie dogs, giraffes and women's gymnastics. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter (@Bonnie_Duncan), and Instagram (bonnie.duncan).

In my high school economics class, my future life was determined by a draw from a hat and a roll of the dice. 

I drew a career from a hat: professional surfer (naturally)
Rolled two dice to determine my salary: $70,000 per year (so I was a really great professional surfer). 
Rolled one dice for amount of kids: 3 of them—all under 5.  
Rolled one for marital status: single mom. Well then. 

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That would be my life for the semester. I had to learn to balance a checkbook. Plan meals. Scout out daycares I could afford for my imaginary 3 children. All determined by the role of the dice. All seemingly random. 

In some ways, it would seem real life isn’t much different. In college, our paths—in some ways—seem random and left to chance. What college will accept me? (was the admissions officer tired when they read my application?) Who will my friends be? Who will my roommate be? What opportunities will I stumble upon? 

We can all think back on those important moments in our lives that seemed like a coincidence. For me, I’ll always think back to my first day of college, when I walked by a table of friendly people passing out snow cones in front of my freshman dorm. I picked the cherry flavor, and took the gamble to attend Chi Alpha’s first service of the school year—12 people crammed in an 85 degree basement in a sophomore dorm (still better conditions than the early Church I’d imagine). 

7 years later, I’m the pastor for that group. And in a couple of weeks (8 first day of schools later), I’ll pass out some snow cones to wide-eyed freshman wondering what their years at Georgetown will hold. 

If I could tell them one thing, I’d tell them nothing is ever random. 

I’d tell them they may feel overwhelmed and under-qualified here, they may feel like Georgetown made a mistake in admitting them, but God has a purpose for their lives. 

I would tell them their identity is not in things left to the luck of the draw (where they will work, who they will marry, how many kids they have), but rather their lives are hidden in Christ (Colossians 3:3) and no thing can have access to their identity. 

If I could tell them one thing, I’d tell them nothing is ever random.

I would tell them they could choose to live a life that feels random and left to chance or they could have a live orchestrated by the author of life lived in community. 

This would all be fairly awkward to tell someone I just met over snow cones. But significantly less awkward to live these things in friendship and community over 4 years and a lifetime after that. 

Every snow cone a divine appointment. Because nothing is ever random. 

Published on July 24, 2016  • Short Link:

What XA Means To Me

Author info: Alec is a rising junior at American University studying Film and Entrepreneurship. In addition to starting a YouTube channel this August, called “The Rhodes Less Traveled”, he is preparing to bike across the US next summer to raise awareness and a one million dollar goal for pediatric cancer research. You can follow Alec’s journey on Facebook, Twitter (@Eagleboiii1776), and Instagram (the_rhodes_less_traveled).

There are multiple reasons why I absolutely love AU Chi Alpha Campus Ministries but if I had to choose three main reasons they would be the following: 

 First and foremost, my relationship with Jesus Christ has grown tremendously surpassing my wildest expectations, and I realized I’m just getting started. I remember my first Thursday Night Worship (TNW) as a freshman. I sat near one of the back pews shy and uncomfortable. When everyone started to worship Jesus I saw people in front of me with hands lifted towards the sky, eyes closed, and voices shouting to the heavens. Meanwhile I’m standing with both hands in my pockets thinking everyone is possessed. Four semesters later on the last TNW of the spring semester I’m in front on the front pew raising my hands to the sky, with my eyes closed, and my voice shouting to the heavens. Moreover, my prayer life has increased tenfold. At the beginning of my sophomore year I was asked by my small group leader to pray out loud in public to a group of freshmen. Long story short, the prayer was all over the place, I was thinking too much with my mind instead of my heart, and I just simply didn’t believe I could pray with sincerity. Flash forward, by the end of the spring semester I was asked to pray for the President of AU Chi Alpha, the pastor of AU Chi Alpha, and a senior, who was probably the nicest girl I have ever met in my life. Long story short, I faced my fear, poured my heart out to them, and just simply spoke as if the Lord Himself was right before me.  

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Second, would have to be the travel opportunities that AU Chi Alpha offers, both voluntarily and involuntarily. I’m from a small country town in North Carolina and lived there for 18 years of my life so it’s easy to say that when an option of traveling is mentioned I’ll be the first one on board. During my time in AU Chi Alpha I have evangelized strangers on the Outer Banks in my home state and helped build churches in Mexico. Moreover, I have had unforeseen circumstances in which I network with someone mutually related to AU Chi Alpha telling me of phenomenal opportunities to glorify God and grow in my faith journey. Just this summer I had the privilege of attending a conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan on how to effectively address poverty with a Christ centered focus as well as intern in Selma, Alabama to help small businesses thrive and make promotional videos for them and the internship itself! 

Each and every encounter never ceases to amaze my spirit within because all of my “Chialfriends” have a deep desire to go out of their way to help others.

Last but not least is the unparalleled community of Christ minded students from all over the country and the world that AU Chi Alpha attracts. Each and every encounter never ceases to amaze my spirit within because all of my “Chialfriends” have a deep desire to go out of their way to help others. Whether it’s an Oregon girl keeping myself accountable to stay consistent with my devotionals and bible readings over the summer or a Malaysian guy praying for our Uber driver, each and every one of them genuinely care for my growth in Christ and strangers alike. In addition, my lifelong friends in AU Chi Alpha have never given up on me even when I gave up on them. Despite enduring the hardships of a breakup, the overwhelming stress of almost losing my financial aid a whopping three times, and struggling with depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts, my friends, my saviors, pulled me out of the darkness by shining the light of hope upon me. 

Simply put, I absolutely love AU Chi Alpha, because AU Chi Alpha absolutely loves me too! #BetterTogether

Published on July 23, 2016 • Short Link:



Reaching Brilliant Students

Author Info: Blane has served on staff at AU Chi Alpha for several years and became the Director in the Fall of 2014. This New Mexico native is a proud graduate of the University of Alabama but has fallen in love with the big city. He and his wife (Hannah) moved to DC to complete the DC Chi Alpha CMIT Program under Mike & Jen Godzwa. They are parents to a pretty amazing toddler, Jeremiah. You'll find him biking around DC in search of a coffee by day and pouring over a book by night. You can find him at, and connect with him via our AU Chi Alpha Staff Page.

The running joke at American University for several years went as follows:

Student A: Wait, you speak four languages fluently?

Student B: Yep.

Student A: How are you ever going to get the job you want?

Student B: I know, there are at least three people in my classes that are fluent in six languages. And they’ve declared double-majors already.

Student A: (sigh)

Student B: (sigh)

This is also personal for me. During my first year serving Chi Alpha at American University, I was part of the CMIT Training Program, and I was asked to lead a Small Group. It ended up being pretty small and mostly filled with freshmen that I met during Welcome Weeks. Well, here’s a summary: one of the young men owned an international film company, another interned for Wolf Blitzer, another ran an international NGO promoting disability awareness and lastly, one was working at the White House.

Let’s just say that the idea that ‘we have the chance to influence the influencers’ became very real, very quickly.

At first, I didn’t know what I had to offer. Like, I guess I could give them marriage advice but none of them were interested in dating. I was always taught to find a need and fill it, to find a hurt and heal it (to borrow language from Matthew Barnett and the Dream Center Movement).

Yet, for a few weeks, I believed that these guys didn’t have any needs. They were on their way to successful careers, were attending an elite university, had more financial resources that I did as a student (or as I did at that moment, as a first-year Chi Alpha Intern!).

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But then I realized, with the help of a few mentors, that everyone is looking for something. Everyone is both hungry and hurting. The language and framework of Ignatian Spirituality gave words to this that I didn’t realize I needed. The concept of our sins and mistakes being ‘disordered attachments’ reminded me of the beautiful idea of imago dei (that we are made in the image of God).

I also realized that, as Craig Groeschel says, “Everyone is fighting something.”

So, although my ministry to these guys (which was likely awkward at times) didn’t look like provided for physical needs (as it had in my previous context) but instead, building relationships and looking for the soft or fuzzy needs. They are just as real, yet harder to define.



To Be Heard.

To Be Known.

I didn’t do this perfectly (and at times, I still struggle) but I think that in order to reach those who are materially fulfilled or successful, we have to dig deeper and have a much clearer missiological set of goals.

So, how do you reach brilliant students? Just like you reach anyone, with love.

It’s just that love, the approach we take, must be different. We must be all things to all people (within the context of the cross, of course).

Not everyone needs a bag of groceries, although some do.

Not everyone needs a friend, although most might.

May we see people as Jesus does and realize that we are already equipped to meet needs and to make a difference.

But everyone needs something and by the grace of God, He wants to use you and I to be the answer to their prayers, even if their prayers have never been said aloud. Or even thought of as prayers.

May we see people as Jesus does and realize that we are already equipped to meet needs and to make a difference. One at a time. Slowly, at times painfully. But realizing that God is so big and majestic, no one has a need that He is unwilling to care for and meet. 

Published on July 22, 2016 • Short Link: