5 Reasons This Matters — (5) Integrity: Word & Deed

by Rev. Blane Young || Executive Director, DCXA

(5) Integrity: Word & Deed

As a former student leader in Chi Alpha (and D-1 athlete) once said, “Being a part of a team means that it’s not just about me.”

I appreciate his words, and I share them because this series of posts was written to share the heart behind our passion for living out the Chicago Agreement. You can read a condensed summary of the document and the full document (a total of three pages) at this link.

In short, it says that we want to encourage students to choose one local campus ministry to plug into. And we want to support the other campus ministries we work alongside, by speaking well of them and connecting relationally as staff teams.

Chi Alpha is a signer on that document, along with almost every major campus ministry organization in the country.

We believe that integrity is when your words and deeds align.

And on a team, that involves honoring what the captain or coach says.

I didn’t personally sign the document (even though if asked, I would’ve!) but I am part of a team (organization) that did.

And I want to be a teammate that lives with integrity

I also want to help our student leaders (and students!) live that out as well.

One of the hardest things about being an adult, is realizing that many people say one thing and then do another.

In DC, we all know this is common.

‘Let’s do lunch’ can quickly become code for: you’re nice, I need to leave right now, and we probably won’t ever hang out again.

Let’s remember the value of integrity, which could also be phrased as ‘integrated living’:

The integrity of the upright guides them.

Proverbs 11:3a.

I want to be a person of integrity, in matters big and small. This will not only bless others, but as we saw in this passage, I will be blessed by it as well.


Thanks for taking time to read this, over the next few days, we’ll have 4-5 more blog posts published in this series.