Hello NCC!

Welcome to your personalized page about: Reach the Freshmen 2024

A fundraising initiative to raise $15,000 for DC Chi Alpha from June 1 through August 1, 2024.

Your financial investment allows us to connect and engage with hundreds of freshman in the city.

Thank you for being one of our top three donors each year to this initiative.

In previous years, NCC has been an answer to prayer and given anywhere from around $2,000-$4,500.

This year, I'd like for NCC to prayerfully consider investing $4,000 towards this initiative.


Rev. Blane

Copy of Social Media Campaign - I Found [RESOURCE].png


Option 1: https://donorbox.org/dcxa-giving and select RTF from the dropdown.

Option 2: If your church would like to receive AGWM/AGUSM giving credit, use the propriety system instead hosted by giving.ag.org. 

Campaign Progress (as of June 3)

$3,447 raised of $15,000 goal

Note: Any funds raised over our goal will be utilized to provide additional scholarships for our students to be able to more affordably participate in retreats and conferences.