Reminder: AU students, we’re having a brother-sister missions-focused Life Group on Wednesday (3/27) at 8:45pm in MGC 245 with buffalo wings and candy from Tanzania.

Holy Week 2024

Good Friday (3/29)

with National Community Church

Service at 6pm || We’ll provide Lyft gift cards to assist with transportation. Text Blane on or before 3/28 to get access to one.

→ Natalie is helping to lead this!

Easter Sunday (3/31)

celebrate with strategic local church partners

  • Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30am at the Lincoln Memorial [hosted by National Community Church]

  • 10:30am at Dance Institute of Washington (Columbia Heights) [hosted by New Song DC]

  • 4pm at Church of the Pilgrims (DuPont Circle) [hosted by Grace Capital City]

We invite you to also consider connecting with more of our partners such as Restoration Church or Capital Life Church.

Neighborhood churches that have partnership with American University include National Presbyterian and they have a wonderful calendar of Easter events.